GitHub's New Products That Will Change How You Code

Exciting announcements from the first virtual GitHub Satellite event

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Codenia Admin 4 years ago
GitHub's New Products That Will Change How You Code img

Photo by Caleb White on Unsplash

Recently, GitHub ran its first-ever virtual GitHub satellite event. Heaps of human beings tuned in for the day of live-streaming that featured a keynote, live-coded music, and more.

On the begin of the day, GitHub introduced some new features coming quickly to the platform, which include a live web-based improvement environment. Those new features are certain to alternate the way we make open-supply happen in the future.


Codespaces img

Codespaces environment in a web browser, Photo from GitHub Blog.

Putting in place a development surroundings is tough, but GitHub is testing out an answer. It's created Codespaces, which brings a full surroundings primarily based on VS code in your net browser, such as most VS features and even terminal access.

You'll also be able to start a codespace and connect with it out of your preferred computer IDE, giving greater customisation along with the potential to add any VS code extensions on the web.


VS code img

Photo from GitHub blog.

Previously, open-source communities were only capable of communicate on GitHub via issues and pull requests. Quickly, GitHub might be liberating a brand new feature for organising conversations and creating a community information base.

Discussions will be in your project's repository, so they'll be where your community already is. Discussions are already available in a few open-source communities, including zeit/next.js and twbs/bootstrap.

Code scanning and mystery scanning

Code scanning img

Code scanning demonstration, photo from Github blog.

GitHub has made code scanning a native experience. Now, every push to your repo will be scanned for vulnerabilities using GitHub Actions. It's free for open-source and any public project can sign up for the limited public beta.

GitHub has also expanded its secret scanning to private repositories. This feature has been available for public repos since 2018 and will now be available for private code as well.

Private Instances

GitHub will soon be offering a new, fully managed option for its enterprise clients. Its plans for Private Instances bring enhanced security and new policy features to meet each customer's needs for compliance and security.

This product is not yet in beta but may be soon.


Soon enough, GitHub will release these features to the public, making open-source software development more seamless, efficient, and safe. What will the company have in store for us next?

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Codenia Admin


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