Factors To Consider While Developing A Mobile App in 2021

We will help you give some ideas on some factors to consider while developing a mobile app in 2021.

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Codenia Admin 3 years ago
Factors To Consider While Developing A Mobile App in 2021 img

Factors To Consider While Developing A Mobile App in 2021

How about making your own mobile app??

But you don’t have any idea of the development processes..

Don’t think too much,

We will help you give some ideas on some factors to consider while developing a mobile app in 2021.

With the rapid growth in technology, smartphones have become an important part in our lives.

Smartphones gave a new way to grow business with the invention of mobile apps. These apps are designed to perform tasks and we can get any of the products and services and services are at fingertip.

From online shopping , food delivery, grocery, banking, E-tickets, entertainment, social media and video calling, all you can get in one fingertip.

We can see all successful mobile apps have a unique idea to make them different from others and provide solutions to its users.

There are some factors while developing a mobile app in 2021.

  1. Choose the Right Platform-

We live in a world overflowing with possibilities. There are potential options for everything we do. Same goes for development platforms while building a new application.

There are various platforms to build your app. But, choosing the right platforms is what matters.

Deciding the right platform to build your app on depends on a lot of factors, such as your business needs, customer base, reach, market strategy and more.

*Have a clear vision.

*Decide on the right architecture

*Understand your audiences

*Explore your options

*Get objectives with results

*Choosing Platform Depending On Your App Monetization Strategy

*Identify the functionality requirement of your app

*Set your Budget

These are universal testing tools for mobile applications as TestComplete Mobile, 21, Apptim, Test IO, Kobiton, Robotium, Appium, MonkeyTalk and are commonly known to all.

Use of such Mobile Testing Tools in automation testing of mobile apps helps to make it faster and flexible with the right proportion of security and robustness.

  1. Conduct Market Research-  

Planning and conducting market research is a critical component for making decisions regarding important information to decide as the course of the company, launch a new product, or to keep a tab on what competitors are doing.

How to do market research?

*Determine your buyer persona

*Prepare research questions

*Make a list of your competitors

*Summarize your findings

When you’re conducting market research, you need tools that should be world-class research platforms.

Let’s look at some tools to help you create the best possible experience for your customers and employees.

*Pew Research Center

*Growth Bar

*Living Facts

*US Census Business Data

*Google Keyword Tool

  1. Understand your Target users-

Target audiences are a group of people who desire to have your products or services.

Defining your target audience is all about understanding the customer, knowing how to reach your prospect and how to sell to them.

Some steps to know how to define your target audiences-

*Specify What Audience You Want to Serve

*What Problem Does Your Audience Want to Get Solved ?

*How is Your Offering Solving this Pain Point Much Better Than The Competition?

*Do They Have the Budget and Willingness to Pay for Your Offering?

*Identify Who is Influencing the Buying Decision

*What Marketing Channel Preference Does Your Audience Have?

There are some marketing tools that help you to understand your target audiences.  Google Analytics, Facebook Audience Insight, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, SimilarWeb, Demographics.io are common.

  1. Choose the Right App Development Company-

Having to choose a company that might change the way you handle your business, is a tricky task.

There are hundreds of app development companies , but how to choose the right one??

In that case, let's look for some tips on how to choose the right app development company for your business.

*Conduct preliminary search

*Check their Portfolio

*Check their reviews and ratings online

*Establish the expenses

*Establish clear communication

Need more help to choose the right mobile app development company for your next big project?

@Codenia Technologies LLP is the top mobile app development company, who can assist your business in different phases of app development. 

  1. App design

Designing your app is another significant factor responsible for the success of an app. Always remember, a good UX design means good discoverability.

Here are some tips when it comes to designing your app:

*Make the app  easy to navigate

*Design for simplicity

*Pick colors and fonts mindfully

*Think about visual hierarchy and weight

There are tools for app designers that will make their designs worthwhile for the end user experience. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, CorelDraw Graphic Suite, InkScape are common.

  1. Finalize your Wireframe and Test your App Development Prototype-

A wireframe for mobile apps is a screen blueprint that enables designers to explore, test, and finalize their design ideas before moving to the development stage.

           A wireframe is necessary to arrange the essential parts of an

           interface. It helps to gain a full understanding of

          the product before the development process begins

After finalizing your wireframe, you need to test your app development prototype. Prototype testing helps you to find out whether  your design is going in the right direction.

How to test app development prototype-

*Define your mobile app

*Research the mobile market

*Create Sketches Of The Primary Screens

*Turn your sketches into wireframe

*Turn Wireframes Into A Prototype

*Translate Wireframes Into Final Designs

Some of the best wireframe tools in 2021 are


*Balsamiq Wireframes


*Wireframe C.C


When you decide to go for mobile application development for your business, make sure you have followed all the points mentioned above. Your app is the asset that will help you in reaching out to your customers, meeting your specific business needs. Every precaution that your take in the development process will build a bond of trust with your prospects.


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Codenia Admin


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