Aggregator platform that connects Talent to Business.
We build the Aggregator platform on a portal and it is provided with all the necessary features that make it easy to work.

In these difficult times when the world finds itself consumed by the woes of pandemics, the solution lies online, and we can find everything online, Banks, groceries, clothes. You can even find or provide jobs online, but a platform where businesses can look for talents and small companies and assign their work to them and vice-versa?
I doubt you have ever come across anything like this, but consider this as a possibility, it can benefit numerous businesses and talents out there looking for jobs and projects.
You may question again, what is an Aggregator platform and what does it do? Well, consider the Aggregator platform as an arena where businesses meet with exceptional talents that can bring in fresh ideas and help a business in numerous other ways, and receive experience and monetary benefits in retaliation.
Businesses look for talent/companies who can connect them with customers, and they work for them as a connecting medium between customers and business. Speaking in technical terms, a business is B2B and talent is B2C.
Before we delve into what a website like this one can do for you and how Codenia can make your work a vacation let’s take a look at how it would benefit the following
Talents do not need to look for opportunities elsewhere, the Aggregator platform provides businesses that are in search of talent.
Being in constant contact with numerous businesses builds them a great network that is essential in a successful career.
Talents require a constant supply of work or projects, these platforms ensure that you don’t run out of them.
You can set up your own milestones and payment methods, that is in compliance with their work.
You have a lot of options to choose from, an aggregator supports lots of businesses and new projects, you can take up the one most preferable. You can also work on multiple projects, and increase your productivity.
Even if you are a small business, taking services from talents can be a win-win for both parties, you receive marketing and services for your business and talents acquire experience and monetary benefits.
Working with talents/companies has many benefits ranging from cost-cutting to enabling focus on core issues of a business and aggregator makes it easier to find talents.
You can easily look for exceptional talents from all the existing profiles at one place that will enhance the overall skills and expertise in your business.
You can easily look for new talents at times like global pandemics when manpower and talent are both scarce.
Aggregator platform benefits all but how does it benefit you and most importantly how do you get a website like this one?
The website developers at Codenia are adept at not only building online aggregator platforms that can act as a connecting medium between business and talents but can also provide distinctive features to your website.
We can build you a website that can run globally or on a national level and generate easy revenues for you.
But why should you turn to us while building your platform, and why build an aggregator platform in the first place?
We have some solid arguments to convince you.
How does it benefit you?
Your website can run in India or have an international audience, providing you with free brand recognition among businesses and talents.
Easy revenue generation, you can easily generate revenue by acting as the medium between business and Talents.
Assuming that you have set your heart on building a website like this one, you must be wondering what can this website provide you with and how does Codenia makes it a distinguishable one, one that enhances your and your customers' experience with nonpareil UI and easy navigation.
Read ahead.
Give us your Baton, to ensure a win.
We build the Aggregator platform on a portal and it is provided with all the necessary features that make it easy to work.
Talents or small businesses can upload their profiles and work portfolios for the businesses to look up, those seeking work can upload their CV and work portfolios for the concerned businesses.
Your platform can have both a domestic or international populace, depending upon your taste and requirements.
Businesses on the other hand can also upload their work so that eligible people can seek them and place a bid on it. The one whose bid wins gets the project and employment.
Businesses can also hire part-time manpower(for 3-4 months), instead of hiring talents or companies.
Talents can set their own milestones, i.e they can decide how much payment they will receive after work is completed.
For eg- you can decide that you get a 30% payment after the completion of 40% work and so on.
We can include a referral scheme i.e anyone referring to your platform will receive a commission that will enhance your website's conversions.
To Conclude up
An Aggregator platform is a win-win for everyone, businesses seeking talents and those who require work. An aggregator platform has endless opportunities for growth and development one can provide you with brand recognition and increased revenues, not to mention the decreased cost in advertising.
Got a question?
We'd love to talk about how we can help you.
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